Keying Cars, Stealing Signs, and Project Labor Agreements: Caught on Tape Trying to Derail Fair and Open Competition
Perhaps there’s a reason why the annual Gallup poll of honesty and ethics in professions gives a very low rating to “labor union leaders.”
It increasingly appears that voters in Chula Vista, California are likely on June 8 to approve Proposition G, a fair and open competition ordinance prohibiting the City of Chula Vista from entering into contracts that require contractors to sign project labor agreements. In response, the union opposition is changing its strategy from lying to stealing, vandalism, and intimidating their opponents.
Channel 10 News in San Diego (KGTV, an ABC affiliate) reports on its web site and in a video story that Myssie McCann, the wife of Chula Vista Councilman John McCann, has been walking precincts wearing a Yes on G t-shirt and handing out Yes on G campaign material. She reported to police that she saw an individual scratch her car with a key.
The report also shows a videotape of a man stealing signs and taking them to his vehicle. The signs were subsequently found in a Dumpster. According to the report, a private investigator claims the vehicle is associated with an individual affiliated with a construction union.
The web site of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of San Diego & Imperial Counties states under its elections and voting issues section that “sign theft or vandalism is treated as any other minor property crime, and can be reported to your local police or sheriff’s office.” The California Secretary of State’s web site states that theft or vandalism of campaign signs “is typically a local issue and is not mentioned in the Elections Code…sign theft/vandalism is treated as any other minor property crime and can be reported to your local police or sheriff’s office.”
Ms. McCann also reported to police that she had received a threatening letter in the mail that was evidently related to her family’s support for Proposition G.
Please visit for more information on Proposition G.
UPDATE: A quick follow-up to yesterday’s post on Big Labor’s effort to mislead the public, check out’s new ad, calling out Big Labor for lying to the people of Chula Vista about the impact of Proposition G.