Construction Industry Calls on Santa Fe City Council to Repeal Wasteful and Discriminatory Policy; Urges Community to Contact their City Council Members to say “NO” to this Mandate
In February 2012, the Santa Fe City Council adopted an ordinance that requires the use of community workforce agreements on all city projects costing more than $500,000. While this requirement may sound benign, a community workforce agreement is nothing more than a wasteful and discriminatory project labor agreement (PLA) rebranded to sound more appealing to the average […]
Santa Fe City Council Delays Implementation of Discriminatory CWA/PLA Mandate
Last week, the Santa Fe City Council delayed the implementation of a wasteful and discriminatory community workforce agreement (CWA) mandate for all city projects costing more than $500,000 after city officials struggled to implement the requirement on a small firehouse renovation and expansion. They did not have any bidders willing to work under a PLA. […]
Santa Fe Struggles to Implement CWA Mandate; Will Likely Delay Requirement’s Effective Date
Readers of this blog remember that earlier this year the Santa Fe City Council adopted a policy that requires the use of community workforce agreements (CWA) – a wasteful and discriminatory project labor agreement (PLA) by another name – on all city projects costing more than $500,000. Since this requirement was adopted, the city negotiated […]
Santa Fe City Council Adopts the State’s First PLA Mandate
There was a distributing development in Santa Fe, N.M., on Feb. 29, when the city council quietly adopted a policy requiring community workforce agreements (CWAs) on all projects costing more than $500,000. A community workforce agreement is no different than a wasteful and discriminatory project labor agreement (PLA); it just goes by another name. Washington, […]