Press Conference

Project Labor Agreement News Round-Up

1 August 12, 2009  State & Local Construction, Uncategorized

The Bulletin continued to cover the Pennsylvania Department of General Services’ decision to require a PLA on the $400 million Graterford prison project. Additionally, the Southeast Pennsylvania chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors launched a marketing campaign to inform the public about the impact of the Graterford prison project PLA on local workers and the […]


PA Senator Fights Rockview Prison PLA

1 June 24, 2009  State & Local Construction, Uncategorized

Pennsylvania is building a series of jails around the Commonwealth and construction unions are lobbying hard to ensure discriminatory and costly PLAs on each jail.  These sweetheart deals for Big Labor will funnel lucrative state construction contracts directly to unionized contractors and their union workforce with little to no competition from non-union contractors and the more than eight out […]