U.S. Department of Labor’s New Hampshire Job Corps Center to Break Ground Today without a Project Labor Agreement Scheme
The fight for fair and open competition in federal contracting will reach an important milestone today. This afternoon’s groundbreaking for the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Manchester, N.H., Job Corps Center is expected to attract a number of federal, state and local public officials, according to a Union Leader article (“Job Corps center to serve […]
Update: Manchester’s U.S. DOL Job Corps Center To Proceed Free From Project Labor Agreement Scheme
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has confirmed the elimination of a controversial project labor agreement (PLA) mandate on its estimated $35 million Job Corps Center in Manchester, N.H., when it issued a solicitation yesterday for construction services without discriminatory and costly PLA mandate or preference requirements. The Associated Press picked up this story, which will run […]
Congressman Guinta’s Principles are Carved in Granite
Check out this ad in support of Congressman Frank Guinta (R-New Hampshire) from today’s New Hampshire Union-Leader. TheTruthAboutPLAs.com readers know Congressman Guinta has worked tirelessly to ensure federal construction contracts, like the U.S. Department of Labor’s Job Corps Center in Manchester, are truly open to all of New Hampshire’s qualified businesses and construction workforce instead of […]
ABC Declares Victory as Federal Government Withdraws Project Labor Agreement
Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) is declaring victory in its fight for open competition and taxpayer value on federal construction projects. ABC issued the following press release earlier today: ABC DECLARES VICTORY AS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WITHDRAWS PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENT WASHINGTON, D.C. – Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) today announced another victory in its fight against government-mandated […]
Union Favor on Federal Construction Project in New Hampshire Draws Criticism
This week, U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) grabbed headlines with her public opposition to President Obama’s discriminatory policy, Executive Order 13502, favoring union contractors and union members competing for federal construction contracts. In a press release and letter to the White House issued Monday, Sen. Ayotte asked President Obama to repeal his pro-union Executive Order 13502 and […]
Labor Department to Mandate Controversial Project Labor Agreement on Manchester Job Corps Center
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a pre-solicitation on Dec. 22, 2011, for a $20 million to $50 million DOL Job Corps Center in Manchester, New Hampshire, indicating the project will be subject to an anti-competitive and costly project labor agreement (PLA) mandated by the DOL. Bidding is open only to certified small business […]
Congressman Frank Guinta Submits Continuing Resolution Amendment Promoting Fair and Open Competition for the Procurement of Federal Construction Contracts
According to the New Hampshire Union Leader, yesterday U.S. Representative Frank Guinta (R-N.H.) filed an amendment pertaining to government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs) on the Continuing Resolution legislation currently being debated on the House floor that would fund the federal government from March 4 through Sept. 30, the end of the current federal fiscal year (“Guinta: […]