
Project Labor Agreements and Big Labor Fail at Local Job Creation

5 August 5, 2010  Federal Construction, State & Local Construction

Big Labor bosses and government-mandated project labor agreement (PLA) advocates frequently claim that PLAs are the only way to guarantee local hire on construction projects funded by tax dollars. Of course, this is another myth promoted by special interests to convince lawmakers and taxpayers that there is a public benefit to anti-competitive and costly PLA […]


Editorial: Obama Doing Labor’s Bidding

0 May 18, 2010  Federal Construction

Another newspaper editorial, this time The Detroit News, is critical of President Obama’s scheme to funnel federal construction contracts to Big Labor through project labor agreements (PLAs) via Executive Order 13502 (“Obama Doing Labor’s Bidding,” 5/17). “In Barack Obama’s Washington, a union card is a gold card. The president is skewing policy to give the 12 percent […]