
Vigorous Debate Expected Between Top California Spokespeople For and Against Project Labor Agreements

2 October 14, 2010  State & Local Construction, Uncategorized

Eric Christen, executive director for the Coalition for Fair Employment in Construction, will face off against Lorena Gonzalez, secretary-treasurer of the San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council, in a radio debate on San Diego County’s Proposition A on Thursday, October 14 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Eric Christen will be speaking in support of […]


ABC Chapter President: “Come Out and Say” the Real Reason for Opposing Fair and Open Competition

2 April 12, 2010  State & Local Construction, Uncategorized

Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) San Diego Chapter President Scott Crosby pressed Secretary-Treasurer and CEO for the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council Lorena Gonzalez to “come out and say” the real reason that their organization is opposing Chula Vista’s Proposition G, which would allow fair and open competition for city construction projects by prohibiting wasteful […]