
USACE Baltimore District PLA Survey for Buckley AFB, CO Due 7.26

0 July 16, 2019  Federal Construction

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has issued a survey soliciting comments from the construction industry about the potential use of a government-mandated project labor agreement (PLA) for the Deep Creek Bridge Replacement, Chesapeake, Virginia. ABC National, encourages the merit shop contracting community to respond to this PLA survey. Tell USACE government-mandated PLAs reduce competition, increase costs, and […]


Respond to USACE Project Labor Agreement Survey on Colorado Springs Projects By March 10

0 February 25, 2014  Federal Construction

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District is soliciting comments from the construction community addressing the potential use of government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs) on federal contracts to build large-scale construction projects (exceeding $25 million) within the Colorado Springs Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), which contains Fort Carson and the U.S. Air Force Academy. Provide your responses […]


USACE PLA Survey Due April 12 For Unspecified Construction in Western States

0 April 5, 2013  Federal Construction

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Baltimore District issued a survey requesting feedback from the construction industry about government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs) on unspecified large-scale federal projects within Western states (primarily Utah, Nevada and Colorado). Projects may include new construction projects, minor repairs, rehabilitation and alterations in a secure environment. To review and […]


Army Issues Project Labor Agreement Surveys for Alabama, Kentucky and Colorado

0 November 3, 2011  Federal Construction, Uncategorized

The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) recently issued surveys requesting feedback from the construction industry about the potential use of project labor agreements (PLAs) for three federal construction projects exceeding $25 million in total costs at Redstone Arsenal, Ala., Ft. Campbell, Ky., and Colorado Springs, Colo. ABC members and construction professionals are encouraged […]


Project Labor Agreement Wrong For Aurora

0 October 20, 2009  Federal Construction, Uncategorized

In a letter to the editor published in the Aurora Sentinel on October 11, Bob Roth of Aurora, CO outlines the negative impact of wasteful and discriminatory project labor agreements (PLAs). Letter: Project Labor Agreement Wrong for Aurora By BOB ROTH A disturbing thing is happening right under our noses, and I am willing to […]