ABC Members Testify in Support of Legislation Restoring Fairness in Federal Contracting

0 June 7, 2011  Federal Construction, Uncategorized

On June 3, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and Procurement Reform Subcommittee held a hearing, “H.R. 735 and Project Labor Agreements: Restoring Competition and Neutrality to Government Construction Projects.” The subcommittee, chaired by Rep. James Lankford (R-Okla.), heard testimony about the negative impact of President Obama’s controversial Executive Order 13502 […]


Think Tank Attacks Project Labor Agreement Discrimination

7 September 29, 2010  Federal Construction, School Construction, Uncategorized

Jim Waters, vice president of policy and communications for the Bluegrass Institute, Kentucky’s free-market think tank, penned an interesting column about the discriminatory nature of government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs). Here is an excerpt from “Local PLAs bite the hand feeding the beast,” 9/24: Prejudice at the lunch counter may have disappeared, but other types of discrimination remain alive […]


More Required Reading: April 13 Media on Obama’s Project Labor Agreement Final Rule

1 April 13, 2010  Federal Construction, Uncategorized

While you were out rebuilding America (and the Obama Administration was busy crafting anti-competitive special interest schemes to push lucrative federal construction contracts to their largest political supporters) here are today’s media reports and notable statements on the Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR) Council’s final rule implementing President Obama’s pro-project labor agreement (PLA) Executive Order 13502 into federal procurement regulations. […]


AGC Letter to the Editor Calls for Fair and Open Competition on Lake Champlain Bridge

0 March 15, 2010  State & Local Construction, Transportation & Infrastructure, Uncategorized

Another Albany Times Union letter to the editor (“Bid project for bridge both ways,” 3/15) refutes a March 6 letter to the editor that encourages the use of a controversial project labor agreement (PLA) on the Lake Champlain Crown Point Bridge (a PLA fight has covered here) by Robert J. Jones, business manager of the International […]


Update on Lake Champlain Bridge Project Labor Agreement Controversy

1 February 27, 2010  State & Local Construction, Transportation & Infrastructure, Uncategorized covered the controversial proposed project labor agreement (PLA) on the Lake Champlain Bridge project spanning from Crown Point, N.Y. to Chimney Point, N.H. (“A Bridge to Government Waste and Discrimation,” 2/16). Here is an update for readers following this story. On Feb. 12 the Vermont Senate Transportation Committee held a hearing on the Lake Champlain Bridge […]


A Bridge to Government Waste and Special Interests

0 February 16, 2010  Federal Construction, Transportation & Infrastructure, Uncategorized

Nonunion contractors, their employees and prominent VT and NY construction trade associations are outraged about a proposed government-mandated project labor agreement (PLA) on the Champlain Bridge reconstruction and one group is even considering a lawsuit to stop this special interest handout to Big Labor. The reconstruction of “The Bridge to Government Waste and Special Interests” – […]