Victory in Idaho: Appeals Court Upholds Idaho Law Protecting Fair and Open Competition on Public Construction Projects
Big news out of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit: Idaho’s law restricting state agencies or political subdivisions from requiring contractors to enter into project labor agreements (PLAs) as a condition of performing public work stands. There are no legal challenges against any of the enacted 23 state anti-PLA mandate laws or executive […]
Federal Court Upholds Louisiana Law Prohibiting Government-Mandated Project Labor Agreements
Another union-backed legal challenge to a state law protecting fair and open competition for taxpayer-funded construction contracts has failed. It is another big win for free enterprise and builds on existing case law permitting states to restrict these crony contracting schemes. A federal court in the Eastern District of Louisiana May 27 ruled that Louisiana’s […]
BREAKING: 6th Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds MI Ban on Government-mandated PLAs
In a huge win for taxpayers and the merit shop construction community, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit overturned a lower court ruling and upheld the Michigan’s right to ban government-mandated PLAs on taxpayer funded construction projects. Here is a joint press release issued by Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) and […]
ABC Michigan Urges Federal Appeals Court to Uphold Michigan Fair and Open Competition Law
Michigan Gov. Snyder’s office has appealed both of the district court’s rulings against Michigan’s anti-PLA mandate laws to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. ABC and ABC of Michigan have submitted an amicus brief in support of the Governor’s appeal, joined by the National Federation of Independent Business and National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation.
Michigan Again Bans PLA Mandates on Taxpayer-Funded Construction
Determined to ensure that taxpayers get the best construction at the best price, Michigan’s elected leaders have again enacted legislation (Public Act 238) that will ensure government neutrality with regard to project labor agreements (PLAs) on taxpayer-funded construction in the Great Lakes state. Although Michigan adopted a similar bill in 2011, a federal district court […]
MI Open Competition Act Protecting Taxpayers and Merit Shop Construction Workers
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed S.B.165 on July 19 and it is already having an impact for taxpayers and the vast majority of the construction workforce that chooses not to join a labor union. This week, Wayne State University cancelled an RFP for the renovation of a softball locker room that contained a requirement that […]
BREAKING: MI Gov. Snyder Signs Bill to Ban Government-mandated PLAs
Gov. Rick Snyder (R) has signed Michigan S.B. 165, which will prohibit the use of wasteful and discriminatory government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs) on state, local, university and state assisted construction in Michigan. This will have serious implications in places like Ann Arbor, Detroit, Macomb County and Michigan State University, where past PLA requirements have […]
WSJ Editorial: Government-mandated PLAs “Deserve to be Outlawed”
The title says it all and we completely agree! The editorial board at The Wall Street Journal has again come out against wasteful and discriminatory government-mandated PLAs. Here are the highlights from the editorial (“Project Labor Revolt: The states ban union political bid-rigging. Obama demurs,” 7/19/11): One benefit of the squeeze on state and local […]
Breaking: Michigan and Maine Legislatures Pass PLA Bans
Today is a huge day for those who think free enterprise and open competition should determine how taxpayer-funded construction contracts are awarded in America. Lawmakers in Maine and Michigan passed bills that ban government-mandated PLAs on state funded construction. Once they are signed into law, they will ensure that taxpayers get the best construction at the […]
State Lawmakers Show U.S. House the Way Forward
Despite a setback at the federal level, the drive for taxpayer value on public construction continued at the state level last week with several key states taking important actions. First, the Louisiana Legislature approved legislation that would ban government-mandated PLAs on all state and local construction in the state. This bill, S.B. 76, received bi-partisan […]