Welcome to Washington Associated Builders and Contractors
ABC National’s 2010 Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. kicks off today with the ABC National Board Meeting.
TheTruthAboutPLAs.com extends a warm welcome to contractors and employees who are here to meet with lawmakers on Capitol Hill to discuss critical issues facing the construction industry.
One key discussion with elected officials will focus on President Obama’s pro-project labor agreement (PLA) Executive Order 13502, which places ABC member contractors at a significant disadvantage when competing for federal construction contracts and needlessly drives up construction costs for taxpayers. Government-mandated PLAs funnel lucrative federal construction contracts to President Obama and House and Senate Democrats’ chief political benefactors, Big Labor.
Earlier this year, a Wall Street Journal editorial called this schemes “crony contracts” and a “rotten deal for taxpayers.” A legislative solution to this blatant favoritism and corruption is broadly supported by the construction industry. Lawmakers need to promote a fair and competitive contracting environment and keep federal construction spending under control by passing the Government Neutrality in Contracting Act (S. 90/H.R. 983).
The June edition of Construction Executive’s Washington Update column focuses is called “The Politics of Project Labor Agreements” – be sure to give it a read.
ABC members and employees, enjoy your stay in Washington, D.C.
Thanks for taking ABC’s adage, “Get Into Politics or Get Out of Business,” to heart.