Obama Administration’s Labor Agenda Scrutinized by Congressional Committee
Rep. John Kline (R-MN), Senior Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee, announced that Education and Labor Committee Republicans will hold a forum today entitled “A Culture of Favoritism: The Obama Administration’s Labor Agenda.”
Stephen Worth, president and CEO of ABC member Worth and Company of Doylestown, PA, is a witness and will provide testimony about how Congress and the Administration’s favoritism towards Big Labor will impact the construction industry through issues such as health care, green jobs, the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) and President Obama’s pro-project labor agreement (PLA) Executive Order 13502.
From the Committee press release (“Republicans to Examine Favoritism in the Obama Administration’s Labor Agenda,” 1/19):
After only one year in office, President Obama and his congressional allies have already amassed a track record of championing favored special interest allies. From rolling back union financial disclosure regulations to threatening to strip workers of their right to secret ballot unionizing elections, Washington Democrats have sought to reward political allies at the expense of working Americans. On the top issue of the day, health care, the Administration continues to show favoritism while the job market suffers under the weight of uncertainty.
Republicans on the Education and Labor Committee will examine the effect the Obama Administration’s labor agenda is having on the current labor market and the rights of employees and consider possible strategies to help rebuild the American economy.
The hearing is today (Thursday, 1/21) at 10 a.m. in the Capitol Visitors Center, HVC-201.
Additional witnesses include:
Steve Forbes
President and CEO, Forbes
Editor-in-Chief, Forbes magazine
The Honorable Elaine L. Chao
U.S. Secretary of Labor, 2001-2009
Marissa Cuellar
Nurse, Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center, Houston, TX
Here is Mr. Kline’s statement.
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