USACE New England District Project Labor Agreement Survey for New England States Due Nov. 18
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has issued a survey soliciting comments from the construction industry about the potential use of a government-mandated project labor agreement (PLA) for a multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) for construction throughout New England awarded to up to 6 offerors, with a total value of up to $90,000,000 total. ABC National […]
USACE Project Labor Agreement Survey for New England MATOC Jobs Due June 2
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) New England District is requesting comments from the construction community addressing a potential government-mandated project labor agreement (PLA) for federal Multiple Award Task Order Contracts (MATOC) to build, renovate and repair military and other federal facilities throughout six New England states. Those states include Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode […]
Vermont Governor Jim Douglas Says NO to PLA on Lake Champlain Bridge Project
The Obama Administration’s release of the final rule to implement Executive Order 13502 was not the only significant PLA development last week. Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas publicly stated his opposition to New York Gov. David Paterson Administration’s, and specifically the Department of Transportation’s (NYSDOT), request that a wasteful and discriminatory project labor agreement (PLA) be required […]
Why Vermont Employees Oppose Project Labor Agreements
A Barre Montpelier Times Argus editorial misses the mark in its analysis of the “benefits” of union membership provided to construction workers through controversial project labor agreement (PLA) proposed on the Lake Champlain Bridge (“Bridge the Divide,” 4/2/10). Vermont companies probably don’t want Vermont workers to be bitten by the union bug, but by participating in […]
“Vermont Finds the Proposed PLA Unacceptable”
Vermont leaders have said no to a proposed project labor agreement (PLA), which essentially mirrors most standard PLAs, for the Champlain Bridge reconstruction project. Now will New York State listen? As regular readers of remember, the Champlain Bridge project is a $110 million joint effort between New York State and Vermont – with significant […]
A Bridge to Albany’s Spoils System? has followed the Lake Champlain Bridge project labor agreement (PLA) controversy closely (“Update on Lake Champlain Bridge Project Labor Agreement Controversy,” 2/27 and “A Bridge to Government Waste and Discrimination,” 2/16). The Plattsburgh, N.Y. Press Republican published an Op-Ed today opposing the Lake Champlain Bridge PLA by Becky Meinking, president of ABC Empire State (“Spoils […]
Update on Lake Champlain Bridge Project Labor Agreement Controversy covered the controversial proposed project labor agreement (PLA) on the Lake Champlain Bridge project spanning from Crown Point, N.Y. to Chimney Point, N.H. (“A Bridge to Government Waste and Discrimation,” 2/16). Here is an update for readers following this story. On Feb. 12 the Vermont Senate Transportation Committee held a hearing on the Lake Champlain Bridge […]
A Bridge to Government Waste and Special Interests
Nonunion contractors, their employees and prominent VT and NY construction trade associations are outraged about a proposed government-mandated project labor agreement (PLA) on the Champlain Bridge reconstruction and one group is even considering a lawsuit to stop this special interest handout to Big Labor. The reconstruction of “The Bridge to Government Waste and Special Interests” – […]
Anti-Competitive and Wasteful PLA on Champlain Bridge Project Criticized by ABC Empire State
The Empire State Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors issued this press release in opposition to a proposed government-mandated project labor agreement (PLA) on the Champlain bridge reconstruction project spanning from Essex County, NY to Addison County, VT that is funded by federal, NY and VT dollars. TheTruthAboutPLAs will provide additional coverage on this story soon. February 12, […]