Green For All

Is Union-only the Best Way to “Rebuild the Dream?”

1 August 10, 2011  Federal Construction, Uncategorized

Michelle Malkin has a new piece exposing disgraced Obama administration green jobs czar Van Jones’ latest attempt to advocate for policies that tilt the scales for construction workers with union cards when competing for federal construction. Here are the highlights with our emphasis added: The problem, posits [Van] Jones, is that his fellow community organizer […]


Kerry Lieberman Cap and Tax Bill Contains PLA Language

2 May 12, 2010  Federal Construction, Uncategorized

Senators John Kerry and Joe Lieberman today rolled out the discussion draft of the American Power Act that will likely be the main Senate vehicle for energy and climate change “Cap and Trade” legislation. The Clean Energy Construction Careers Demonstration Project section of the bill is a sweetheart deal for Big Labor. It contains language encouraging government-mandated […]