
Project Labor Agreements and Big Labor Fail at Local Job Creation

6 August 5, 2010  Federal Construction, State & Local Construction

Big Labor bosses and government-mandated project labor agreement (PLA) advocates frequently claim that PLAs are the only way to guarantee local hire on construction projects funded by tax dollars. Of course, this is another myth promoted by special interests to convince lawmakers and taxpayers that there is a public benefit to anti-competitive and costly PLA […]


The Most Infamous PLA Job: Lessons from Boston’s Big Dig

2 June 29, 2010  State & Local Construction, Transportation & Infrastructure

Boston newspaper editorials point out that Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick’s recent use of PLA mandates in exchange for Big Labor’s support during November’s gubernatorial election makes little fiscal sense for Mass. taxpayers and stinks of political favoritism – especially considering the $22 billion Big Dig’s well-documented record of missed deadlines, cost-overruns, construction defects (including a motorist fatility due to a collapsed tunnel ceiling panel), and reports of union workers visting methadone clinics, sleeping and drinking heavily on the job.

Funded by federal and Massachusetts taxpayers, the Big Dig is the most expensive and infamous government-mandated PLA job of all time.


Understanding the Merit Shop Contractor Cost Advantage

13 May 17, 2010  Featured, Federal Construction, State & Local Construction

One of the biggest complaints against government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs) is that these anti-competitive schemes saddle nonunion and merit shop contractors with inefficient union work rules and high operational costs unique to unionized contractors, which results in reduced competition and increased costs to taxpayers. Studies have found that these costly inefficiencies, coupled with reduced […]


WSJ Editorial Blasts Obama Gift to Big Labor, Calls Project Labor Agreements “Crony Contracts”

1 April 14, 2010  Federal Construction

Today’s Wall Street Journal editorial blasts President Obama’s pro-project labor agreement (PLA) Executive Order 13502 that was implemented into federal procurement regulations thanks to the Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR) Council’s final rule issued yesterday (“Crony Contracts. Want federal business? Better be a union shop.” 4/14/10). This editorial is one for the ages. Let’s hope federal agencies and […]


What is Section 7 of Executive Order 13502 on Federal Project Labor Agreements?

2 December 15, 2009  Federal Construction

From 2001 until Feb. 6, 2009 Executive Order 13202 protected at least $147.1 billion worth of federal construction projects from discriminatory and costly government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs). In addition, the order prohibited PLAs on hundreds of billions of dollars worth of federally-assisted construction projects across the country. Federally-assisted projects are local, state or private construction […]


Project Labor Agreement Basics: What is a PLA?

36 April 24, 2009  Featured

A government-mandated project labor agreement (PLA) is an anti-competitive and costly scheme designed by Big Labor and sympathetic public officials to funnel construction contracts to unionized contractors and union members while cutting competition from qualified merit shop contractors and their skilled merit shop employees. A PLA is a multi-employer, multi-union, pre-hire collective bargaining agreement that PLA proponents […]