The West Coast’s Big Dig Boondoggle Woes Continue: Seattle’s Tunnel PLA Job Dangerous For Workers
Bad news continues to plague Washington state’s Highway 99 tunnel mega-project (PDF) underneath Seattle’s downtown waterfront, contradicting a number of key points lawmakers and construction union lobbyists use to sell government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs) to owners, taxpayers and the media. According to the AP, the Seattle Tunnel’s injury claims have totaled more than $2.5 […]
Unsafe Union Labor Caught Boozing Before Working on NYC Project Labor Agreement Jobsite
ABC 7 NY’s investigative reporting caught union construction workers drinking heavily before reporting for duty at a NYC jobsite covered by a project labor agreement (PLA). This is not the first time union workers on a PLA jobsite have been caught boozing in NYC. In 2012, investigative reporters caught union labor hitting the bars hard at lunch before […]
Project Labor Agreement Failure: Is Seattle’s Tunnel the West Coast’s Big Dig Boondoggle?
Bad news continues to plague Washington state’s Highway 99 tunnel mega-project underneath Seattle’s downtown waterfront, contradicting a number of key points lawmakers and construction union lobbyists use to sell government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs) to owners, taxpayers and the media. It has not been a model government-mandated project labor agreement, as media reports indicate the job […]
Construction Fatalities and Protest by Minority Contracting Community Plague New 49ers Stadium Project
Construction of the San Francisco 49ers’ $1.2 billion Levi’s stadium, subject to a controversial government-mandated project labor agreement (PLA), has been plagued by two fatal jobsite accidents and a protest by a coalition of community groups and activists outraged by the lack of construction contracts awarded to minority businesses. PLA advocates claim anti-competitive and costly PLA schemes promote safe jobsites and […]
Another Accident on a Project Labor Agreement Jobsite: OSHA Investigating Construction Fatality on New 49ers Stadium
A tragic construction accident on a California project subject to a government-mandated project labor agreement (PLA) claimed a life last week. According to The San Francisco Chronicle, on June 11, 2013, an elevator mechanic was killed at the new 49ers stadium construction site in Santa Clara, Calif., (“49ers stadium accident kills worker,” 6/11/13): An elevator mechanic was killed […]
Construction Union Booze Crews Targeted for Drinking on PLA-Covered Ground Zero Projects
Its last call for the union hard hats getting hammered before returning to work on Ground Zero construction jobsites covered by project labor agreements (PLAs). Last month, the New York Post reported the Port Authority is cracking down on drinking by construction union members following a series of accidents and reports of excessive workday boozing […]
Workers Injured on San Fran Union-Only Construction Jobsite Financed by Union Pension Fund
Last week four union construction workers were seriously injured in an accident at the $40 million Potrero Launch apartment project in San Francisco’s Dogpatch neighborhood (“Four hospitalized after SF construction accident,” 8/31/11): The roof support structure gave way and collapsed onto three workers below, who were in a stairwell on the sixth floor, he said. […]
Do Project Labor Agreements Ensure Compliance with Labor Laws?
It is a myth that anti-competitive government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs) — schemes public officials beholden to Big Labor’s special interests execute to funnel lucrative public construction contracts to unionized contractors and union members in return for continued political support — ensure compliance with labor and employment laws and regulations.
An audit found violations by 55 contractors working on a $150 million Los Angeles Unified School District high school under construction in San Fernando, Calif., subject to a government-mandated PLA. The violations include failure to pay prevailing wages and inadequate supervision of apprentices. Four of the contractors had expired or suspended licenses.
The audit results demonstrate contractors working under a government-mandated PLA violate labor laws, yet PLA proponents frequently perpetuate the myth that a PLA prevents labor law infractions on PLA projects. This example shows how the presence of a PLA does little to ensure compliance with labor laws and the arguments in support of PLA mandates are weak.
NYC PLA Proponents Busted by FBI for Racketeering and Other Crimes
Bosses from the New York District Council Carpenters Union are notorious for pushing project labor agreements (PLAs), using inflatable Rats and organizing disruptive pickets and boycotts against contractors and innocent customers in an effort to eliminate qualified nonunion contractors and their skilled merit shop workforce from eroding union market share in the greater NYC region. This week […]