Direct Mail

Project Labor Agreements on California School Construction Raise Costs up to 15 Percent, Study Says

0 July 27, 2011  School Construction, State & Local Construction

According to a new study released by the National University System Institute for Policy Research (NUSIPR), California school construction projects built using project labor agreements (PLAs) experienced increased costs of 13 percent to 15 percent, or $28.90 to $32.49 per square foot, compared to projects that did not use a PLA. Measuring the Cost of […]


San Diego Labor Council Runs TV Commercial in Spanish Comparing Proposed Fair and Open Competition Ordinance to Arizona Immigration Law

1 June 3, 2010  State & Local Construction, Uncategorized

How can you tell when a political campaign is falling apart with the knowledge of certain defeat? In the case of the union campaign to prevent voter approval of Proposition G in the City of Chula Vista, union leaders are now so desperate to save their special interest backroom deals (called “Project Labor Agreements”) that […]


ABC Michigan Mailer Opposes Ingham County PLA Requirement Proposal

0 June 15, 2009  State & Local Construction, Uncategorized blogged (5/21) about TV news coverage of the Ingham County, Michigan proposed ordinance to require discriminatory and costly PLAs for county projects with labor costs over $100,000.  Note: One wonders how an entity can determine labor costs prior to issuing competitive bids? The Lansing State Journal reports that ABC Michigan sent anti-PLA postcards to county residents […]