Americans For Prosperity

Diverse Coalition Supports Fair and Open Competition Legislation, Opposes Government-Mandated Project Labor Agreements

2 February 25, 2021  Featured, Federal Construction

ABC and a diverse coalition of 17 construction industry and business associations sent a letter to the U.S. House and Senate in strong support of the Fair and Open Competition Act (H.R. 1284/S. 403), which was introduced Feb. 24 by Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Rep. Ted Budd (R-N.C.). An ABC  Feb. 24 ABC press release applauded the introduction […]


Cavuto Segment Slams Government-Mandated Project Labor Agreements on Hurricane Sandy Construction Projects

0 February 25, 2013  Federal Construction, State & Local Construction

Americans for Prosperity New Jersey Director Steve Lonegan appeared on Fox Business Channel’s Cavuto show Feb. 21 to discuss S2425, a measure opposed by the Wall Street Journal editorial board and covered by numerous times this year. It expands the use of anti-competitive and costly government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs) on Hurricane Sandy reconstruction […]