San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board: We endorse Proposition G

In a May 8 editorial (“Vote Yes on G in Chula Vista,” May 8), the San Diego Union-Tribune urged Chula Vista voters to support Proposition G, which would prohibit wasteful and discriminatory project labor agreements (PLAs) on city funded construction projects.  Proposition G is on the ballot on June 8, although mail-in voting is scheduled to begin next week for Chula Vista residents.

The Union-Tribune’s editorial outlines Big Labor’s past efforts to promote government-mandated PLAs at the expense of southern California taxpayers.  Here’s an excerpt:

But the pivotal battle for the moment is in Chula Vista where Proposition G, a proposed ban on PLAs, is on the June ballot. The measure qualified through the initiative process – a first in the nation, according to proponents.

Chula Vista is where the ghost of the billion-dollar Gaylord hotel and convention center still looms large, a testament to what might have been save for the intransigence of organized labor demanding a PLA, environmental groups wanting $21 million in greenmail, a business community that sat on its hands, and infrastructure costs that ultimately proved fatal.

The editorial also points out that despite Big Labor’s misinformation campaign, this initiative ultimately seeks to remove Chula Vista taxpayers from the bitter labor issues that slowed halted some local development in recent years.

With mail balloting starting next week, misinformation and grave distortions are being spread about Proposition G in an effort to confuse.

What is it? The measure’s purpose, according to the initiative, is “to aid in lowering the cost of public works projects; and to ensure that all workers, both union and non-union, have a fair and equal opportunity to work on public works projects.”

Simply put, the measure would prohibit Chula Vista from joining the union/management fray. According to City Attorney Bart Miesfeld’s impartial analysis, “The city shall not fund, in whole or in part, or enter into any contract which contains a requirement that the contracting party” sign into a collective bargaining agreement, pay into union trust funds or use workers who belong to a union. There is nothing prohibiting a contractor from choosing to do so, only that the city would be prohibited from requiring it.

Finally, the Union-Tribune captures the true intent of Proposition G (and www.thetruthaboutplas.com):

This measure is not about prevailing wages (union-mandated minimums). The term is never used. In projects funded in part with state or federal money, Chula Vista would be able to and expected to pay prevailing wages.

In essence, this is a measure about freedom of choice in the workplace. If you believe workers should be free to join a labor union – or not – and that contractors should be free to hire the best workers at a reasonable cost, vote for Proposition G.

We strongly encourage Chula Vista taxpayers to support Proposition G.

Please visit www.fairnessforchulavista.com to get the facts and check out their new video:

If you live in Chula Vista, be sure to vote and have your voice heard on behalf of fair competition and Chula Vista taxpayers.

The campaign is accepting contributions here.