Navy and Army Corps of Engineers Request Feedback on Use of Project Labor Agreements for Federal Projects

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) issued three surveys requesting information from the construction industry on the potential use of project labor agreements (PLAs) on projects in the San Diego region, where just last week San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) internal documents revealed how a new SDUSD PLA mandate policy is reducing competition and increasing costs. On average, SDUSD is receiving fifty percent fewer bidders and paying a 21.9 percent premium for projects bid with PLA mandates compared to similar projects built be SDUSD that were not subject to a PLA.

The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) also issued a PLA survey for a project at Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico.

All ABC members and construction professionals are encouraged to respond to the requests for information and tell the NAVFAC and USACE that government-mandated PLAs harm competition, increase costs, and impede economy and efficiency in government contracting.

Details on the three surveys along with submission dates are below but please review response instructions by clicking the links:

NAVFAC, which manages construction of U.S. Navy shore facilities, recently issued surveys for four federal construction projects, exceeding $25 million in total costs, in Maryland and Virginia.

During the past several months, NAVFAC and other federal agencies like the USACE and Veterans Affairs have issued PLA surveys as a result of President Obama’s pro-PLA Executive Order 13502 and federal regulations implementing the discriminatory and costly order. The order and regulations encourage federal agencies to mandate anti-competitive and costly PLAs on a case-by-case basis on federal construction projects exceeding $25 million in total cost. ABC has taken the opportunity to respond to all PLA surveys as they are issued and encourages its members to do the same.

If you need help responding, please contact us and we can provide you with some helpful tools and information.

Responding with accurate and timely information is critical and effective at removing federal agency PLA mandates. For example, in 2010, the USACE removed government-mandated PLAs from the Army Reserve Center in Los Alamitos, Calif. and the Patrick Air Force Base in Brevard County, Fla. after a strong grassroots response and survey participation from the contracting community. The USACE removed a PLA mandate on the Armed Forces Reserve Center in Camden, N.J. following a legal challenge and robust grassroots response from the construction stakeholders.

Thanks for taking the time to respond to these surveys. Your responses will help maintain an open and competitive environment that will allow all qualified contractors to fairly compete for contracts to build the best possible construction projects at the best possible price.