89 Miles for Worker Freedom – Falk Arrives in Washington, D.C.

An inspirational grassroots effort came to a close yesterday as John Falk completed his 89 mile journey on foot from York, Pa. to Washington, D.C.  He was greeted on Capital Hill by several supporters and Congressman Todd Platts (R-Pa.).

Falk set out on this walk on Friday, Sept. 17 to deliver a petition urging Congress to repeal President Obama’s Executive Order 13502, which encourages federal agencies to require wasteful and discriminatory project labor agreements (PLAs) on federal construction costing more than $25 million.

Photos of Falk’s departure and media coverage of the walk are available on our earlier post.

Here are some great pictures of Falk’s arrival in D.C., including some with the petition signed by thousands in support of free enterprise and open competition on public construction projects.

Again, this was an important effort by one individual to bring government-mandated waste and discrimination to light.  To learn more, visit Falk’s site at 89milesforfreedom.com or his Facebook page.  Falk is also still collecting signatures on his online petition, so please sign it if you haven’t done so already.

You can also visit our earlier posts to learn more about PLAs in Falk’s home state of Pennsylvania.