Election Day in California

Today, the citizens of Chula Vista and Oceanside, California will have an opportunity to vote on two measures – Proposition G in Chula Vista and Measure K in Oceanside – that will end the kind of backroom deals that leave taxpayers paying for four bridges, schools and roads for the price of five.

As we said yesterday, the time for union lies and scare tactics is over. The polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. We strongly encourage Chula Vista and Oceanside residents to go to the polls and say NO to job-killing union handouts.

Election Day News Coverage Wrap-up:

San Diego ABC-affiliate KGTV-10 covered Big Labor’s irresponsible Spanish-language ad comparing Chula Vista Proposition G, banning project labor agreements, to the recently enacted Arizona immigration law.

National Spanish-language channel UniVision also did a story on Big Labor’s misleading Arizona immigration law ad:

In other news, the NBC Bay Area calls the Chula Vista and Oceanside campaigns for fair and open competition, “The Most Important California Elections You’re Not Watching.”  Here’s an excerpt (Bracketed section added by TTAPLAs.com):

…if you want to know something about the future of the state, you might check out a pair of races no one [at least in the Bay Area] is watching — in San Diego County.

The two ballot measures — Proposition G in Chula Vista, and Proposition K in Oceanside — involve attempts by business interests to take on the power of labor unions. In particular, they seek to ban agreements — known as project labor agreements — commonly used by labor unions to require the use of union workers and enforce higher wages on public workers and other government-sponsored construction projects.

Prop G is the stronger of the two measures and the most novel, in that it would represent the first time a city government — Chula Vista’s — had been banned by its voters from funding any public works project that included union construction workers, a project labor agreement, or prevailing wage requirements. Prop K would make Oceanside a charter city and also establish a ban on project labor agreements.

If the measures prevail, they would represent noteworthy defeats for labor unions on the local government level in California, where public employee labor has held sway. The triumph of the two measures could inspire similar bans in other cities — and put a dent in a concerted effort by labor interest to use their political power in service of workers — at least when it comes to projects with strong government backing.

Both measures have attracted the interest (and in some cases the money) of business and labor from outside those San Diego-area communities. They stem from longstanding union-business battles in those cities.

And lastly, here is the third and final Yes to G television ad

Please visit www.fairnessforchulavista.com for more information on Proposition G in Chula Vista.

For more information on Measure K in Oceanside, visit www.passthecharter.com

Stay with TheTruthAboutPLAs.com for updated information as it comes available.