More on Executive Order 13502 Anniversary

There is an article about the year anniversary of President Obama’s pro-project labor agreement (PLA) Executive Order 13502 over at the American Spectator Blog by Kevin Mooney (“Obama Order Locking Out Non-Union Construction Companies Marks One Year Anniversary,” 2/8/10). We briefly discussed this “Milestone Worth Not Celebrating” yesterday, and Mooney’s article argues that Executive Order 13502 falls into a pattern of White House and Congressional giveaways to Big Labor. We agree.

Mooney explains how PLAs and Executive Order 13502 are government-sponsored special interest paybacks designed to increase Big Labor’s market-share and political power of Big Labor – a policy with consequences similar to the poorly-named Employee Forced Free Choice Act (EFCA) and the radical agenda of National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) nominee Craig Becker:

[Executive Order 13502] was done as a sop to labor bosses who have thus far failed to win passage of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), despite large Democratic majorities in both congressional chambers…

….Craig Becker, a general counsel to the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the AFL-CIO could possibly be confirmed as soon as Tuesday. In his academic writings, he has argued in favor of securing major policy changes through non-legislative means.

The year-old PLA order, which has received very little press attention, demonstrates that the administration is working to advance paybacks to union bosses in much the same spirit that Becker has suggested.

Mooney’s article quotes Brett McMahon, vice-president of ABC member Miller & Long Concrete Construction, on additional insight into Executive Order 13502 and failed efforts by the government to funnel lucrative federal construction contracts to Big Labor.

Learn more about Big Labor giveaways here.