If PLAs are so Great, Why not Debate?

The Lincoln Club of San Diego County and the San Diego Taxpayers Association are hosting a debate on PLAs on the San Diego Unified school district’s $2.1 million proposition S.

Representatives from Associated Builders and Contractors and Associated General Contractors have agreed to participate in the debate.  There to represent Big Labor will be…

So far, representatives from Big Labor have refused to defend PLAs publicly on three different occasions.  It’s tough to blame them though.  It’s hard to defend something as wasteful and discriminatory as a project labor agreement.

Let’s hope they show up today.  If you are going to push something that keeps 4 out of 5 construction workers from competing on projects in their own community, then you should have to defend your position in public.

UPDATE (May 21): Big Labor passed on defending PLAs and did not attend the debate.  Maybe the 5th time will be the charm!